2024 Commences with a New Partner by Our Side
At the beginning of the new year, we were able to secure a new partner for our current and undoubtedly future projects. This positions us very well in the areas of SFX, sound design, and composition.
CMR-Medienproduktion is synonymous with first-class and professional products for music and sound effects.

Welcome to our network
We are particularly pleased that the open water network has now grown to include another interesting and professional contact. Periklis Liakakis, an outstanding and distinguished composer, will accompany us on our path with his unique talent in the coming years. We look forward to a fruitful collaboration and would like to thank you very much for the musical accompaniment to our Freiwasser water logo_reveal.
For even more interesting information about Periklis Liakakis, please visit his website.
Rückblick auf die Hanseschau: Ein voller Erfolg und viele gute Gespräche
Wir möchten auf diesem Wege einen Rückblick auf die diesjährige Hanseschau geben und freuen uns, verkünden zu dürfen, dass die Messe für uns ein voller Erfolg war! Wir sind überwältigt von der großen Resonanz, die wir erhalten haben, und möchten uns herzlich bei allen Teilnehmenden, Ausstellern und Besuchern bedanken, die dazu beigetragen haben.
Die Hanseschau bot eine einzigartige Plattform, um unser Unternehmen und unsere Projekte vorzustellen. In den Tagen der Messe durften wir viele gute Gespräche führen, bei denen wir neue Partnerschaften knüpfen und interessante Ideen austauschen konnten. Das Interesse und die Begeisterung der Besucher haben uns dabei besonders motiviert.
Ein weiterer Höhepunkt der Messe war unser Gewinnspiel, bei dem wir mittlerweile den Gewinner bzw. die Gewinnerin gezogen haben. Wir freuen uns, bekannt zu geben, dass das Startup "Strandscanner" als glücklicher Gewinner ausgewählt wurde! Herzlichen Glückwunsch! Als Preis erhält "Strandscanner" von uns ein exklusives Werbepaket für ihren Social-Media-Kanal. Wir sind gespannt auf die Zusammenarbeit und freuen uns darauf, "Strandscanner" noch bekannter zu machen.
Die Messe Hanseschau hat einmal mehr gezeigt, wie wichtig der Austausch und die Vernetzung in der Geschäftswelt sind. Wir sind stolz darauf, ein Teil dieser inspirierenden Veranstaltung gewesen zu sein und bedanken uns nochmals herzlich bei allen Beteiligten.
Wir hoffen, dass die Hanseschau auch für Sie ein Erfolg war und freuen uns bereits auf die kommenden Veranstaltungen, bei denen wir Sie wiedersehen können.

Happy Easter
Dear valued business partners and customers,
Wishing you a happy and blessed Easter! May this season bring you joy, happiness, and renewed hope for the future.
Thank you for your ongoing loyalty and partnership. We look forward to continuing to work together to achieve success in the future.
Freiwasser meets Lucky Eagle Production
"We are grateful for nothing more than gratitude" - That's what Lucky Eagle Production from Munich says.
Lucky Eagle Production is an innovative start-up company in the film industry that brings inspiring stories and visions to life with passion and dedication, and charts new and innovative paths.
Their focus is on feature and cinema films as well as series productions, and includes professional and passionate cameramen, musicians, dancers, actors, and specialists in design, scenography, and photography.
But they also realize captivating and extraordinary projects in the areas of corporate films, commercials, and music videos, and expand internationally while doing so.
Every moment is a new opportunity for them to learn and grow. The team loves independence and, above all, it is important for them to promote the independence of others.
Whether it's film and series projects or corporate films, it is a great honor for me to work on new projects with this wonderful team in the future and to captivate people all over the world with the stories we create together on various emotional levels. Stay tuned!
New year - new project
I am excited to share that our latest film project is taking us to the beautiful Baltic Sea island of Poel in the Bay of Wismar. This adventure story follows the journey of three friends as they embark on a thrilling quest to track down a ruthless villain.
Get ready to immerse yourself in stunning landscapes, captivating action scenes, and a gripping storyline that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Join us on this exciting adventure as we explore the island of Poel and uncover the mystery behind the villain's nefarious plans.
Stay tuned for more updates on this exciting project, and get ready for an unforgettable cinematic experience!
Happy New Year
The year is coming to an end. 2022 was marked by ups and downs, but we look back on the successes and are confident about the new year.
We wish you all a good start in 2023 and stay healthy.

A partnership for a successful future
Since this year we have been working on new projects together with the great Silvio Simac.
Silvio is a gifted actor and fight/stunt choreographer and is known from numerous action films such as Undisputed 2 or Transporter 3.
We are currently producing our animated film "Fairygirl-Origin" which will premiere in London in spring 2023.
Visit our profile on IMDB
We invite all those who want to know more about our work in the film business to visit our profile on IMDB.
Through our work since 2021, we have now managed to fight our way up an incredible 10 million ranks.

The first half of 2022 is over
It's early July and it's time for us to take a look at how the first half of 2022 went.
With our short film "Gamers Nightmare" we have been able to win 7 film festivals so far and are still surprised that this little film arouses so much interest.
Furthermore, we can announce that we are in production with our pilot episode of the series "X-kurios" and we are starting the production of the short film "Mia in Fairyland".
Our thanks go to all supporters and those involved in these projects.
Health for all - The WHO Film Festival
We are happy and also a bit proud that our short film "Gamers Nightmare" was selected as the only German entry in the "Universal health coverage" category at this year's WHO film festival in Geneva.
The jury, which includes Sharon Stone, Emilia Clarke, Mia Maestro, Anita Abada, Eddie Ndopu and Dr Eckart von Hirschhausen, has until May 10th to select a film, which will then be chosen as the winner on May 12th.
Unfortunately, the ceremony will take place online again this year. We would also have liked to go to Geneva...

Silvio Simac Showreel 2022
We really worked hard and finished Silvio Simac's new showreel earlier than expected. Now it is in two versions under the actor and mixed martial arts fighter's Christmas tree.

Gamers-Nightmare awarded as best short film
At this year's REELS - International Short Film Festival in Aurangabad / India, our short film "Gamers Nightmare" was awarded as the best short film. It prevailed over the more than 1,200 short films that were submitted, confirming that we did everything right in implementing our idea.
At the moment we are still waiting for the trophy from India and will then toast this (first) success with the whole team...
Silvio Simac - New Showreel 2022
We had the great honor of producing his new showreel for Silvio Simac, who has had the privilege of working with the greatest actors of our time in his career. He took part in more than 40 productions and fought with greats like Jason Statham in "Transporter 3" or Jet Li in "Unleashed". Just in time for the turn of the year, the new showreel will be completed in a short and a long version.

15.11.2021 - Start of production X-kurios
The time has finally come, the production of the pilot episode of our children's series X-kurios has begun. In order to fill the episode with a large portion of fun, excitement and action, the framework conditions will first be created in the next 3 months.
8 large sets, 180 props, 126 supporting characters and - not to forget - our 8 main characters are created and prepared for animation.
We will keep you updated on these pages and our social media channels...
Stay tuned...
Our Canada project has come to an end
The time has finally come, our joint project with the Canadian film and television composer, songwriter and sound designer Kirk Ashley Smith is finished and will be shown at various film festivals in the coming months.
For more information on Kirk Ashley Smith, visit and his Social-Media-Channel.

X-kurios is coming!
Today the script for the pilot of our children's series "X-kurios" was completed.
Production is scheduled to start in mid-November 2021.
Completion of the pilot episode - beginning of 2023
All updates and news can be found here or on our social media channels.